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2 bed bungalow for sale


Ham Close, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 2QE

Bedrooms2TypeBungalowRent pcm0FurnishedUnfurnished
TenureFreeholdGround rentService charge
Tenanted/VacantVacantAST details N/A
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I have a 2 bedroom bungalow with a garage in East Worthing which I need to sell quickly.

Most of the work to modernise the property has been done, including kitchen, bathroom, boiler, floor and rewiring. Unfortunately I have run out of cash and am therefore unable to finish but it is mostly in need of redecoration.

I am looking for a buyer who is able to complete the sale within a 6 week time frame which is why I need a cash buyer. I have priced the property accordingly.

Please contact me if you would like to view the property.

Contact the Landlord / Seller about this property

Stamp duty calculator

 5%  Up to to £250,00012,500 10%  £250,001 to £925,0000 15%  £925,001 to £1.5 million0 17%  Over £1.5 million0

Nearest stations

East Worthing 0.1 milesWorthing 1 milesLancing 1.4 milesWest Worthing 1.8 milesDurrington-on-Sea 2.6 milesDistances are straight line measurements